The topics for the 9th telematic forum are Internet, History and all subjects related to the application of multimedia technology to History and, in general to Human Studies. Special attention will be paid to analysing and distributing information and studies concerning trial projects and the progress of research in the field.
The Forum is free; everyone can apply and participate to the debate, which will be moderated by scholars and professionals in this field. The debate will take place via private mailing-list. Italian will be the official language, but interventions in English, French, Spanish and German will be accepted.
Each speaker presents an abstract through the specifically prepared mailing-list. Essays will be placed on the official site, which could be consulted only by signed members. Speakers participate on invitation or by self-candidature through the official site pages. The candidature must arrive within the December 15th 2010. As for the 7th forum, Acts will be published in «Storiadelmondo», public access electronic journal dealing with world-wide History and Human Studies, ISSN 1721-0216. A new CD-ROM edition is currently being prepared. Applications are permitted for the launch of specific Work Areas for interested organisations (institutions or research centres, etc.).
The Dossier section is based on the preceding Forum Acts, on other materials online and on the books Internet e Storia (Internet and History) and Internet e Medioevo (Internet and Middle Ages) ed. by Angelo Gambella and Roberta Fidanzia, Quaderni del Medioevo Italiano Project, Drengo, Roma. (ISBN 88-88812-00-8 and 88-88812-06-7), et al..
The Forum, created by Angelo Gambella, now in its 9th edition, is run with the support of university research centres, and multimedia associations. This Forum, held within the initiatives of Medioevo Italiano and Medioevo Italiano Project, takes its origin from a series of events, as the session The World Wide Web and the Medio aevum: Italy and beyond, organised by Medioevo Italiano Project during the International Medieval Congress, 2001 at the International Medieval Institute – University of Leeds, Great Britain, July 11 2001; the Medioevo Overlook – Study meeting of medieval Internet in Scarlino (GR – Italy), September 14-15 2001, in cooperation with MIP; the Central Conference for History and Human Studies online, permanent forum since October 10 2001 patronised by MIP; the Relation on Normans on the Web presented to the Colloque Intérnational d’Evrecy, January 11-13 2002 (Caen-Evrecy, France). I had the opportunity of perfectioning the idea attending to Congresses and Seminars about Internet held by Universities and other organizations in various European countries. The last but not least a stimulus has come from the telematic forum on E-books and digital editing ideated by L.M. Reale.
The 7th edition took place in the same period of year 2009. On this site you can find the archives of the 2005-2009 (English, Italian and Spanish).
Angelo Gambella (Short Biography in English)
(update: February 1, 2010)